I’m not sure what or who I am at the moment as this next year is a leap into the unknown and, in some ways, a test of who I’ve become and what I’m capable of.
I’m about to become a mummy for the second time (baby #2 is due, er, today!) so am now on maternity leave without a job to go back to, so I guess right now that makes me a stay at home mummy – something I never expected to be. I also never expected to be the kind of mother that could be considered an “attachment parent”, but it turns out that is the way that worked for me, my partner, and our first child – the velcro baby who will still only sleep within reach of me (and my boobs!)
Another surprise was being laid off from my job, so professionally, having worked as a technical writer for 15 years and a bid writer for several years before that, I’m a little adrift. I’ve always wanted to write as a freelancer, so that’s something for me to explore this year along with a couple of other business ideas.
This blog is all about the adventure I’m embarking on, along with my partner, James, our daughter, and our new baby. For more on that, check out my first post.
I live with my family in the north of England, close to Manchester but closer to the wild, wet hills of the English Peak District, which I love. When not pregnant (and right now it feels like I have been and always will be pregnant!) I love to be out in the hills – camping, walking, cycling – and write about those adventures in my other blog, One Woman, Two Wheels.