What’s this all about then?
Welcome to my new blog! Why have I set up it? Well, after 15 years working for a blue chip semiconductor company, first as a technical writer finally as a technical publications manager, the 18th March 2016 marked a turning point with my last day of work (due to redundancy) which also coincided nicely with the start of maternity leave. As I’ve always been writing one way or another – whether for pleasure (as an angst-ridden teenager, an idealistic student, an introspective and slightly troubled twenty-something) or professionally – I’ve set up this blog to share my musings on the big changes that we’re making this year and next, which we hope will include integrating baby #2 into our family of three with all the associated trials and tribulations that brings, moving to France, learning a new language, setting up a business, and venturing into freelance writing as a way to pay the bills. Quite a quiet year ahead then!
I plan to write about my experiences with a new baby and a toddler, which are likely to include discussions and musings on all things child-related (co-sleeping, baby wearing, tandem nursing – yes, I still nurse my 2-year-old) and anything else that I feel the need to share, as well as the challenges of moving to a new country (finding a home, physically moving with two kids, three cats and an absolute tonne of stuff we probably don’t need, navigating paperwork, finding childcare/school systems, making new friends, etc.) and finally (phew!) setting up a new business as a way of making some money!
I also write another blog (One Woman, Two Wheels) where I share my thoughts and adventures in cycling, yoga, fitness and general well-being. The chances of me getting out on my bike or grabbing more than 10-minutes of quiet time for yoga are pretty slim, so I don’t expect I’ll be contributing to it much this year – but where there’s overlap I’ll cross-post: two blog posts for the price of one, yay.
Thanks for joining me. I hope you enjoy the ride!