I don’t have a particularly ambitious bucket list. It’s more a catch all of places I’ve heard about, either through word-of-mouth or by reading blogs or recommendations within an online group I frequent. It’s an ever-growing list. I won’t beat myself up too much if I haven’t been able to tick off all these things before I die – and I suspect, since the list constantly grows, I’m unlikely to manage that – but I would certainly like to tick a few off every year.
Long-Distance Bike Routes
Euro Velo Route 1: France to Portugal
This route actually starts in Norway (which is absolutely on my list) but for now I’ll settle for ticking off the route from France, through Spain and down to Portugal.
All the other Euro Velo Routes!
Cycling Events
Mountain Bike
La Ronde VTT des 3 Quilles – three routes (15km, 30km, and 45km) from Quillan on trails not usually open. I had a thoroughly good time riding the 15km course in 2018 and hope to tick the others off in the coming years.
Road Bike
Figure of Hate – a sportive with rides into the mountains, starting and ending in Axat.
Short Walks & Days Out
This list is really just a placeholder for short walks and days out, usually inspired by photos posted by friends on social media.
- Roquefort les Cascades – a walk to some stunning waterfalls, only a short drive from us.
- Col du Chioula – a walk to the refuge and back