What We Did in June
Wow, June already. It’s been almost a month since I last managed to write something. Time is flying. May has been pretty non-stop, so while I have a big bunch if ideas for posts about specific things, I think I’m going to settle for a recap – placeholding for a future in which I have more time to get back to this. So, since my last post, life has looked like this:
- Tax returns submitted: 2 (yay!)
- Public holidays: 2
- Strike days (impacting school): 1
- Days parents spent at our house after their flights were cancelled due to the aforementioned strike day: 6
- Blog posts written: 2, but on my work blog, which is all about IT stuff. The two posts are Your Website and GDPR: Privacy Policy and Consent and Are You GDPR Ready?, if you’re interested.
- Tick bites: 2
- Trips to A&E: 1
- Days at the seaside: 1 (Argeles, very nice)
- Other countries visited 2 (Spain & Andorra)
- Sewing projects completed: 3
- Worm bins sorted out: 1
- Days without any rain at all: Maybe 2?
- Bike ride, with and without the trailer: 3
- Episodes of Fargo watched in one sitting: 1
Lots of blog fodder there – just no magic time-making machine, unfortunately!
And because, as the saying goes, a picture tells a thousand words, here are a few photos.
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