Thanks for stopping by. This site started off as a sort of diary of life after our move to France. When we first arrived I enjoyed around 18 months of time just to be with my then young children. Since then the pace of life has picked up: my children are starting to form their own lives around school and friends, I have a business to run, and a new one just launching – plus we still have a house to build. This means the blog is quite far down the list of things to do, so now I occasionally post about general “Life in France” stuff but more often I share routes and write-ups from walks, generally suitable for families, and any cycle routes I find – also with a family-friendly slant. If you want to scroll through the whole thing, hop over to the Blog page. Or you can dive straight into a category that interests you using the links below.

Latest Posts

  • A Long weekend at a Naturist Village in France
    First of all let me say I am not a naturist and have zero interest in wandering around in the nude. Further to that, if anyone had ever told me I’d spend a weekend at…
  • What is a voie Verte?
    The voie vertes are a network of “green” routes suitable for walkers, cyclists, and horse riders, importantly traffic-free. The criss-cross across France usually following converted old railway lines, sometimes combined with sections of dedicated cycle-paths…

Life in France

Life in France, Two Years On

The two-year anniversary of our arrival in France came earlier this month and passed without…

La Rentrée 2018

It’s that time of year for the second time in our lives as parents. Yesterday…

A view from above, looking down on a child's hands holding a yellow pencil and coloring in christmas scenes.
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Occitanie Guide for Families

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Bike Rides

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Everything Else

House Hunting is Hell

Oh, it’s been a long week. Plan A was always to buy a small house…

Rainy day

It’s raining here today. Back home in Manchester this would in no way be news…

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